whey protein FAQ's


 Whey Protein and other supplements

 whey protein is a key to building muscle and recovering after workout. whey protein is commonly used for improving athletic performance and increasing strength. whey protein is considered a complete protein as it contains all 9 essential amino acids.

There are many benefits associated with the consumption of whey protein. Here we explain what the benefits might be and also look at some of the side effects.

Benefits : 

                   1) Weight loss : Those who take whey protein lost more fat.

                    2)Lowering cholesterol : in a case we found a significant decrease in total cholesterol which helps the body to stay healthy.

                    3)   Muscle growth : Muscles naturally decline with ages. however this adverse change in body composition can be slowed. 

                     4) Blood pressure : High blood pressure is one of the  leading risk factors for heart diseases. doing exercise could prevent you from heart attack.

Whey protein does not have side effects unless there is a excessive intake such as when one has an overdose of supplements with whey proteins.

Side Effects : 

                         1) Stomach pain

                         2) Cramps

                         3) Nausea

                         4) Headache

                         5) Fatigue

When to take Protein :

 Multiple studies have shown that when protein is consumed in the time period before or after resistance exercise, there are greater gains in muscle mass and strength performance. 

How much protein do we take in a day ?  : 

 According to the Dietary Reference Intake report for macronutrients, a sedentary adult should consume 0.8 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight, or 0.36 grams per pound. That means that the average sedentary man should eat about 56 grams of protein per day, and the average woman should eat about 46 grams.

Whey Concentrate vs Whey Isolate : 

The difference between whey protein and whey protein isolate lies in the amount of protein contained per scoop of protein powder. Isolates are processed and filtered to contain approximately 90-percent protein per scoop, with the majority of the fat and lactose removed.

Difference between whey protein and mass gainer :

Mass gainers contain more fats and carbs and less protein whereas whey protein contains mostly protein and very few fats and carbs. The first difference, as mentioned, is the composition of each protein. A mass gainer should have more carbs and fats and less protein than a whey protein powder.

Difference between creatine and bcaa :

 Now that you know how BCAAs and Creatine work, the biggest difference between BCAA vs Creatine is how each affects your athletic performance. BCAAs help build and rebuild lean muscle mass, while creatine helps increase your power output during high-intensity training to increase your strength and training volume.

Best gym equipment in India : 
  • Life Fitness.
  • Sports Art.
  • Being Strong.
  • Fitline.
  • KFS Fitness.
  • Viva Fitness.
  • Fitness World.
